Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Entries Tagged as 'Park Slope'

Snow Update: It’s Hit The Big 8.0 in Park Slope

March 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Snow Update: It’s Hit The Big 8.0 in Park Slope

[Photo courtesy of E.C. Stephens] Corespondent E.C. Stephens reports in with some glee that the level of snow in Park Slope flower boxes has reached a critical, if not symbolic, eight inches. We take what we said earlier all back. This is cearly not your disapointing NYC snowstorm.


Tags: Park Slope · Weather

Slope Gets Coltura with Collina Italiana

February 27th, 2009 · Comments Off on Slope Gets Coltura with Collina Italiana

Collina Italina will open on March 16 on Garfield Place and 6th Avenue bringing a touch of bellissimo to the Slope. According to their website: At Collina Italiana (CI), we offer Italian language and culture programs both on- and off-site. Lovers of Italian language and culture are finding that CI classes offer a unique opportunity […]


Tags: Park Slope · Uncategorized

Still Problems at Novo Park Slope with the Boymelheat

February 27th, 2009 · 4 Comments

A month ago, Brownstoner reported the presence of a big porable steam generator outside the Novo Park Slope on Fourth Avenue. Well, a check yesterday, reveale that it is still there, leading one to conclude that there are big Boymelheat issues at work. We can’t wait to see the summer brings in terms of the […]


Tags: Fourth Avenue · Park Slope

Park Slope’s Stimulus Package: Drink Beer

February 27th, 2009 · Comments Off on Park Slope’s Stimulus Package: Drink Beer

It just might work and it will certainly help people forget about things. In any case, this is the sign in the window of Bierkraft on Fifth Avenue in the Slope, which is a sort of a paradise for breakwki lover interested in a a part of the economy recovery President Obama failred to mention […]


Tags: Park Slope

A New Yahoo Group: Brooklyn Versus Burbs and Beyond

February 26th, 2009 · Comments Off on A New Yahoo Group: Brooklyn Versus Burbs and Beyond

We found this announcement in a Park Slope Parents email for a new group that could be quite interesting in its own way: I’ve started a group called Brooklyn vs Burbs and Beyond, for people living in Brooklyn who are being priced or driven out of neighborhoods such as Park Slope in search of good, […]


Tags: Park Slope

Park Slope Retail Report: Cohen’s Fashion Optical Now Open

February 26th, 2009 · 8 Comments

Even though some high-end stores in the South Slope are dropping like fies, it’s encouraging to see new shops opening anywhere on Seventh Avenue. This is the new Cohen’s Fashion Optical, which is having its grand opening at 298 Seventh Avenue, between Eighth and Ninth Streets. We fear for the fate of a lot of […]


Tags: Park Slope · Retail

Dear Mom, Ain’t it Ironic?

February 26th, 2009 · 3 Comments

We were recently introduced to a new form of irony: cards. Oh this goes beyond the irony of SomeCards. Artist, Igor Kopelnitsky has created a series of 8 societal images that would certainly aim to tick off any right wing and/or evangelical, or give a giggle to any open-minded liberal. Each of Igor’s designs are […]


Tags: Park Slope · Retail · Uncategorized

PSA: Have You Seen This Girl?

February 26th, 2009 · Comments Off on PSA: Have You Seen This Girl?

We found this on Seventh Avenue in Park Slope yesterday, although there weren’t that many of them around. If you know anything about this girl, please call one of the numbers above. There’s very little info on the notice itself. Not even a name.


Tags: Park Slope

Pushing for a Bigger Slope Historic District

February 25th, 2009 · 2 Comments

The Park Slope Civic Council has been pushing to greatly expand the Park Slope Historic District (which is a lot smaller than a lot of people think it is. Along thos lines, it’ll be holding its annual community forum on Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7:00 pm at the Old First Church, 7th Avenue and […]


Tags: Park Slope · Uncategorized

Carroll Street Corner of Nightmares: Parking & Tagging

February 24th, 2009 · 8 Comments

[Photo courtesy of Jack Szwergold/GL Flickr Pool] We haven’t checked in on the Carroll Street Corner of Nightmares in Park Slope because it loosens our bowels somewhat just to be in the vicintity of the bad architecture and fugyly vibes, but frequent GL Contributor Jack Szwergold was brave enough to visit the buiding we call […]


Tags: Fourth Avenue · Park Slope

Smart Car Series: Slope Smart Car Eats Natural

February 24th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Well, here’s proof that Smart Cars are in fact smart. This one is after natural foods. On the other hand, given that the Slope Natural on Fifth sucks big ones (seriously, it’s bad), shouldn’t the Smar Car be at the Food Coop. On the other hand, the driver could have been returning a vid across […]


Tags: Park Slope · Smart Car Series

Wonderful Park Slope Schoolhouse Has a Logo and Website

February 24th, 2009 · Comments Off on Wonderful Park Slope Schoolhouse Has a Logo and Website

To those who think we only dig negative stories, please follow our coverage of the Park House School House, which we think is a model of creative people in a community coming together to create something wonderful from what could have been a disaster. Yesterday, we bemoaned the lack of a logo for the new […]


Tags: Education · Park Slope

Our Jobs Are Screwed, but Slope Offers Silver Lining to Misery

February 24th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Well, new unemployment claims are at record levels and we’re heading toward something that resembles more of a Depression that a little ‘ole recession. Well, at least something that will make the Reagan Recession of the Early 80s, which was pretty brutal, for those who only wish to remember the Gipper’s posthumus sainthood, look like […]


Tags: Park Slope

More on the Park Slope School House

February 23rd, 2009 · 3 Comments

There’s more info on the Park Slope School House, which is replacing the Berkeley Carroll Child Care Center, which was closed down by the elite Park Slope School, with especially shoddy treatment of its employees. The new non-profit formed to run the new child care center is giving all those employees a chance to keep […]


Tags: Park Slope · Uncategorized

Brooklyn Nibbles: Another Chance to Eat & Booze it Up in the Slope

February 23rd, 2009 · 6 Comments

Another old Fifth Avenue landmark in Park Slope is about to change. It was a bodega in its most recent incarnation, but before that it was Berkley Clothing and its fascinating retro sign and part of the original facade had survived. No longer. A good friend of GL emails to say: “I noticed today that […]


Tags: Brooklyn Nibbles · Park Slope

Lovers of Bánh Mì Rejoice! Hanco’s is now Open in Park Slope!

February 23rd, 2009 · 5 Comments

[GL Flikr Pool: Image Courtesy of Megunski] The long awaited Hanco’s Vietnamese sandwiches opened its doors this past Saturday to the delight of local foodies. From the looks of it, they are keeping up to the quality of their Carroll Garden’s predecessor. From Brooklynian: We just got back from there. I had the chicken sandwich and it […]


Tags: Park Slope

GL Day Ender: Slope United Methodist Church Book Sale

February 20th, 2009 · Comments Off on GL Day Ender: Slope United Methodist Church Book Sale

Tomorrow and Sunday (2/21-22) the Park Slope United Methodist Church will be having it famous annual Book Sale from 8:30 AM-4:30PM on Saturday and from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM on Sunday. Thousands of books, DVDs, CDs, records, tapes and videos will be up for grabs, as well as the Children’s Corner in full swing. […]


Tags: GL Day Ender · Park Slope · Uncategorized

God No: Bumper Badger Thieves on Loose in the Slope

February 20th, 2009 · 9 Comments

We’ve been noticing more and more Bumper Badgers lately, to the point where it seems like every freaking car we see parked in neighborhoods like the Slope has one (because no one will surrender to the reality that their bumper is getting f’d up whether they like it or not). Yet, where there are tons […]


Tags: Park Slope

Noisy Slope Neighbors From Tween Rock ‘n Roll Hell!!!

February 19th, 2009 · 4 Comments

Oh, Park Freaking Slope, also producing so much drama. (Well, producing emails that transmit drama that we choose to copy and paste. This one is about having neighbors upstairs with a rock and roll band. And, we’re not talking TV on the Radio here. We mean a tween band, which is a Park Slope specialty […]


Tags: Park Slope · Uncategorized

Park Slope Food Coop Could Ban Israeli Products, Attract Attention

February 19th, 2009 · 26 Comments

Leave it to the Park Slope Food Coop to periodically attract attention for interesting reasons like banning bottled water and plastic bags. This time, the Coop is considering banning all products imported from Israel because of that nation’s actions in the Gaza. In Red Hook, people might shrug. In Park Slope, which has a large […]


Tags: Park Slope

Park Slope Retail Report: Park Slope Farm Open on Seventh Ave.

February 18th, 2009 · 4 Comments

Hunan Wok on Seventh Avenue went to the big wonton in the sky, as we reported in January. Today we can report that its replacement, Park Slope Farm, has just opened. It’s at 106 Seventh Ave., not far from Union Street. It’s a 24-hour spot, which will make it quite welcome to those for whom […]


Tags: Park Slope · Retail

Smart Car Seeks Questionable Med Help at Slope’s Methodist

February 18th, 2009 · 3 Comments

If this car is so “smart” why is it going to Methodist Hospital in Park Slope? It wouldn’t be going to the Emergency Room from Hell, would it? God, that would be pretty stupid. Stupid Car. But smarter than going to LICH, we suppose. On another topic, we know Methodist met with Park Slope Parents […]


Tags: Park Slope

Park Slope Retail Blockbuster: La Bagel Delight Moving!!!

February 18th, 2009 · 5 Comments

[Click to enlarge to make it easier to read] You read it here first, friends, although we are certain that you will read this “original discovery” elsewhere shortly–by noon at the latest. (Coincidence and all that. It blows one’s mind when it happens.) La Bagel Delight, that Park Slope institution on the corner of Fifth […]


Tags: Park Slope

And Now, a Smart Car Shops in Park Slope

February 17th, 2009 · 3 Comments

We found this little white Smart Car in Park Slope on Fifth Avenue. Perhaps doing some grocery shopping at the Key Foods. If it was smart, though, wouldn’t it use the parking lot?


Tags: Park Slope

Happy Ending to Ugly, Elite Berkeley Carroll Child Care Story

February 17th, 2009 · 6 Comments

It feels good to report when people in the community band together and do something positive with what could have been a fiasco. Many may remember the furor over the wealthy and elite Berkeley-Carroll School’s decision to close its child care center and, in particular, the shoddy way in which they treated longtime employees. Well, […]


Tags: Park Slope