Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Entries Tagged as 'Rezoning'

Park Slope Retail Report: St. Kilda Jewlery Open on Fifth

March 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Park Slope Retail Report: St. Kilda Jewlery Open on Fifth

This is St. Kilda jewelry which has just opened on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope between St. Mark’s Place and Prospect Place. It look like they have a niece selection of merchandise. Here’s hoping they can ride out the recession-depresssion squeezing wallets everyehere.


Tags: Rezoning

Is Amanda Burden Intent on Rezoning Every Nabe in Brooklyn?

February 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on Is Amanda Burden Intent on Rezoning Every Nabe in Brooklyn?

Friends, when the rezoning stuff hits the fan in Canarsie, you know you are dealing with some serious stuff. Yesterday, City Planning announced plans to rezone that far off neighborhood and make some major changes to a 250 block area. The rezoning area is generally bounded Foster Avenue to the north, Fresh Creek Basin and […]


Tags: Canarsie · Rezoning

Toll Bros. Kicked in Ass Over Gowanus Affordable Housing

February 13th, 2009 · Comments Off on Toll Bros. Kicked in Ass Over Gowanus Affordable Housing

[Click to enlarge and read more easily] The case of the controversial Toll Brothers Gowanus development, which was approved by Commmunity Board 6, has just gotten a bit curiouser. The firm had promised 130 affordable units, or about 30 percent of the housing to be built on the banks of Brooklyn’s Grand Canal. Only, CB6 […]


Tags: Gowanus · Gowanus Canal · Rezoning

Gowanus Could Get…3,200 Units of Housing Under City’s Plan

February 11th, 2009 · 2 Comments

[Click to enlarge to all its glory.] In theory, Gowanus could get very big and very crowded, if the parcels of land the city is planning to rezone for residential use are built upon. It’s a big if–given the credit meltdown and the hideousy polluted nature of some of the sites–but that’s what could happen […]


Tags: Gowanus · Gowanus Canal · Rezoning

Brighton Beach to Get the Treatment from the City Too

January 21st, 2009 · 8 Comments

While most of the attention is focused on Coney Island, Brighton Beach, which has seen its share of out-of-context development is up for a rezoning. About 50 blocks of the neighborhood with either be upzoned or downzoned, with the city preferring to dwell on protecting block where bungalows have been demolished to build some fairly […]


Tags: Brighton Beach · Rezoning · Uncategorized

Hearing on Toll Brothers Gowanus Plan @ Borough Hall Tonight

November 19th, 2008 · 2 Comments

The Toll Brothers application to get property rezoned so they can put up their condo development on the Gowanus Canal has already been approved by Commmunity Board 6. Today, the Brooklyn Borough President will be having a hearing on the plan as part of the ULURP process. Per a community email (and there are many […]


Tags: Gowanus · Rezoning · Uncategorized

Carroll Gardeners Pushing for 8-Story Height Limit on Gowanus

November 19th, 2008 · 2 Comments

Carroll Gardens residents have started a letter writing campaign to Borough President Marty Markowitz asking him to support an eight-story height limit for building along the entire length of the Gowanus Canal rather than the 12 stories in the “MX Waterfront South” District (above) that the current city plan is calling for. Here is the […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Gowanus · Rezoning · Uncategorized

Burden Visits Gowanus, Promises Carroll Gardens Downzoning Proposal by June

November 18th, 2008 · Comments Off on Burden Visits Gowanus, Promises Carroll Gardens Downzoning Proposal by June

Planning Commission Chair Amanda Burden visited Gowanus last night to talk about the status of the city’s plans to upzone 25 blocks of Gowanus to allow buildings up to 12 stories tall, but she surprised everyone by announcing that a Carroll Gardens downzoning proposals would be ready by June, 2009. Ms. Burden claimed to want […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Gowanus · Gowanus Canal · Rezoning

Amanda Burden Visits Gowanus Today

November 17th, 2008 · Comments Off on Amanda Burden Visits Gowanus Today

City Planning Chair Amanda Burden is comming to Gowanus tonight for a forum hosted by Commmunity Board 6. The general topic is the status of the contentious rezoning of the neighborhood to allow higher density, high-rise development. Per an emial alert: An update by Commissioner Burden on the department’s land use activities related to the […]


Tags: Gowanus · Rezoning

Upcoming: Amanda Burden Coming to Gowanus

November 6th, 2008 · Comments Off on Upcoming: Amanda Burden Coming to Gowanus

You know the city is planning to make some progress on its Gowanus rezoning proposal if City Planning Commission Chair Amanda Burden is going to be coming to the neighborhood for a “forum” with residents. Here’s the lowdown: An informational update by Commissioner Burden on the department’s land use activities related to the Gowanus Canal […]


Tags: Gowanus · Rezoning

Learn About the Housing and Zoning Thing in Sunset Park

October 9th, 2008 · 1 Comment

[Photo courtesy of galvarez51/GL Flickr Pool] Yesterday, we noted some meetings coming up in Gowanus and Carroll Gardens about zoning and affordable housing. Well, there will be sessions in Sunset Park presented by South Brooklyn Accountable Development Initiative, which involves the Fifth Avenue Committee and the Center for Urban Pedagogy. There will be a session […]


Tags: Affordable Housing · Rezoning · Sunset Park

GL Day Ender: Learn About Affordable Housing & Zoning

October 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Please don’t close your eyes and go to sleep. Both of these are important subjects and there are some interesting meetings and opportunities to learn coming up. We’ve long believed that one of the reasons that development in Brooklyn has been running wild (and is often hideously out of context) is that no one pays […]


Tags: Affordable Housing · Rezoning

Bklink: Flatbush Rezone “Gets it Right”

October 8th, 2008 · Comments Off on Bklink: Flatbush Rezone “Gets it Right”

This is something you don’t hear very often, but there’s a sense that the city’s rezoning proposal for Flatbush “gets it right.” During a recent meeting the Department of City Planning “received accolades from board members and area residents for reworking the plan to take into account neighborhood concerns.” Here’s the low down from on […]


Tags: Flatbush · Rezoning · Shortlink

Bklink: Now is the Time to Rezone

August 13th, 2008 · Comments Off on Bklink: Now is the Time to Rezone

So, the slowing real estate market is now making rezoning property–say, from manufacturing to residential–more attractive to developers. “In the height of the market, a lot of developers just wanted to buy it, develop it and get out,” on real estate lawyer says. “A rezoning can take two to three years. Now is a good […]


Tags: Rezoning · Shortlink

Five Carroll Gardens Developments Slammed by Narrow Streets

July 29th, 2008 · 5 Comments

Five of nine developments in Carroll Gardens questioned by the community after the “narrow streets” zoning change was enacted last week have been hit with Stop Work Orders by the Department of Buildings. (The photo above is of 360 Smith Street before work was halted.) This is because they are not complete enough to be […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Rezoning

Carroll Gardens Streets Officially Declared Narrow by City Council

July 24th, 2008 · 1 Comment

An effort to officially define a number of very narrow streets in Carroll Gardens as actually being narrow for zoning purposes received unanimous support from the City Council yesterday afternoon. The “Narrow Streets” Zoning Text Amendment had won wide political and community support. It changes obscure, yet critical, zoning language that had considered very narrow […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Rezoning

City Council Votes on Carroll Gardens Amendment Today

July 23rd, 2008 · Comments Off on City Council Votes on Carroll Gardens Amendment Today

There is significant excitement in Carroll Gardens neighborhood circles today as the City Council is slated to vote on the “narrow streets” Zoning Text Amendment. The technical change will redefine very narrow neighborhood streets as being narrow for zoning purposes. They have been defined as “wide” because the front gardens of buildings were counted as […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Rezoning

Carroll Gardens Group Sends Out a “Thank You” Email

July 10th, 2008 · Comments Off on Carroll Gardens Group Sends Out a “Thank You” Email

The Carroll Gardens group called CORD, which formed around the contentious issue of the design of 360 Smith Street (now known as the Oliver House Condos) and went on to push for a broader downzoning of the neighborhood, must be in a good mood. Late yesterday, the group started circulating a “thank you” email for […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Rezoning

Coney Scoping Testimony Due By July 11

July 3rd, 2008 · Comments Off on Coney Scoping Testimony Due By July 11

With the raucous Coney Island Scoping Hearing an amusing memory, it’s worth noting that it is still possible to submit written testimony about the Coney Island rezoning proposal. While are appropriate, the scoping process determines the study of the proposal that is done, so specific comments related to what the city should study in terms […]


Tags: coney island · Rezoning

Planning Commssion Approves Carroll Gardens “Narrow Streets”

July 2nd, 2008 · 2 Comments

The “narrow streets” zoning text amendment that would redefine a number of narrow Carroll Gardens streets as actually being narrow for zoning purposes was passed by the City Planning Commission today by a unanimous vote. The measure would define the streets as 50 wide rather than the current 130 feet (which counts front gardens) and […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Rezoning

City Presents New & Different Coney Island Renderings

June 27th, 2008 · Comments Off on City Presents New & Different Coney Island Renderings

Within the city’s presentation prepared for the Coney Island Scoping Hearing on Tuesday night were some new renderings of a proposed Coney future, as well as new detailed maps and diagrams of what would go where. The raucous meeting ended up with the following headline in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle: “Coney Plan Overwhelmingly Rejected at […]


Tags: coney island · Rezoning

Coney Scoping Meeting: NY1 Report

June 26th, 2008 · Comments Off on Coney Scoping Meeting: NY1 Report

For those that haven’t had their fill of the circus of the Coney Island Scoping Meeting on Tuesday Night, here’s a vid of NY 1’s report that’s been posted to the YouTube:


Tags: coney island · Rezoning

Scoping #2: Who Said Planning & Zoning Are Boring?

June 25th, 2008 · 1 Comment

[Photo courtesy of GerritsenBeach.Net/flickr] Normally, “scoping hearings” are boring in the deadliest way. Not last night’s hearing about Coney Island rezoning. Not by a longshot. You expected differently when the Mermaid Queen had been on a hunger strike to publicize it and get people to attend? There was a large turnout and it was a […]


Tags: coney island · Rezoning · Uncategorized

Scoping #1: Big Turnout for Coney Meeting

June 25th, 2008 · Comments Off on Scoping #1: Big Turnout for Coney Meeting

[Photo courtesy of GerristensBeach.Net/flickr] The second Coney Island rezoning Scoping Meeting took place last night in front of a large crowd with testimony that ran toward performance art. An earlier meeting had been held, but the process has had to be redone, because the plan has been revised since then. Kinetic Carnival said the meeting […]


Tags: coney island · Rezoning

Mermaid Madness #2: The Hungry Mermaid’s Habitat

June 23rd, 2008 · Comments Off on Mermaid Madness #2: The Hungry Mermaid’s Habitat

As has been widely noted and is now on live webcam, the Queen of the Mermaid Parade is on a short hunger strike to draw attention to opposition to the city’s revised plan for Coney Island and to try to get a big turnout at the “scoping” meeting on Tuesday for it. The hunger strike […]


Tags: coney island · Rezoning