Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Just Like the Old Days: Gunfire in the North Slope

December 5th, 2008 · No Comments

Looks like someone was shooting at something in the North Slope on Wednesday night. Grlnxtdrboo on Brooklynian reports:

Did anyone else hear gunshots last night in the north slope? I live on Baltic between 4th and 5th and around 1030ish last night my girlfriend and I heard 3 shots. We called our neighbors to see if they heard it as well and they confirmed that they did so we called the police to report it. They asked if we lived near Warren St and I said yes. I asked the operator if they were recieving any other calls and they said they were. Anyone know what happened?

No answers on who or what was shot, but a GL Correspondent nearby definitely confirmed the gunfire.

Tags: Crime · Park Slope