Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brooklyn Nibbles: Tempo Presto Closure Edition

November 30th, 2007 · 7 Comments

[Photo courtesy of aaronchamberlain/flickr]

There are Park Slope food & drink-related developments to report, with one being a closure and another being an opening:

1) It would appear that Tempo Presto on Seventh Avenue at Third Street is about to become Tempo Morto. First came the rumor: Tempo Presto is closing. Then came word on Brooklynian that a “For Lease” sign has been spotted in the window of the storefront that has gone through a number of incarnations. Says one poster on Brooklynian: “its not the place. its Michael Fiore. he brought down both Cucina and TP. Hopefully he will let the dream go and find another venue to torture his employees. I say good riddance.” Safe to say, then, that not everyone in the Slope was a convert, although many are mourning the potential loss of favorite sandwiches.

2) Beer Table is getting closer to opening further south on Seventh Avenue in the space formerly occupied by Tost. According to Beer Table’s website: “Beer Table is an intimate drinking and eating room that serves a daily selection of rare and special beers paired with an unusual assortment of snacks, preserved foods, and small meals.” Beer Table will be at 427B Seventh Avenue, which is between 14th and 15 Streets.

Tags: Brooklyn Nibbles · Park Slope

7 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Matt // Nov 30, 2007 at 8:03 am

    Maybe if Tempo Presto had staffed anything other than ornery 16 year olds and stayed open past 7 (or whenever they close), they would have done better. I liked their Cuban sandwich, but I’m not at all surprised to see it go under.

  • 2 Gringcorp // Nov 30, 2007 at 8:23 am

    That place got some high-profile love from the Consumerist blog. Their editor was a big fan.

  • 3 J$ // Nov 30, 2007 at 9:56 am

    Is 7th Avenue dying? Lots of stores going out of business.

    I guess people will have to walk 3 blocks down to go to the OTHER Tempo Presto store on 5th. The one with the friendly workers.

  • 4 Icky // Nov 30, 2007 at 5:55 pm

    Wow … that was quick. Seems like Presto didn’t stay around long. Then again, this is 7th Ave we’re talking about. A lot of places don’t seem to last more than a season or two.

  • 5 Completely Insane Person // Nov 30, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    7th Ave needs to widen the sidewalks by at least 5 five feet on each side (the space is available), put out lots of benches and tables and make its public space into more of a social destination for the neighborhood. I could even see some parking space eliminated for children’s play apparatus. I’d like to see more elderly people, teens and parents with chidren with space to just sit and hang out on 7th Ave. Then I think we’d start to see businesses doing really well. We should also have some car-free Sundays on Seventh in the Summer.

  • 6 McCheese // Dec 2, 2007 at 1:11 pm

    Good riddance. I hated that place.

  • 7 Jacqueline // Dec 5, 2007 at 1:54 pm

    Is the 5th Ave Tempo Presto staying? I rely on them for lunch as I work nearby.