Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Entries Tagged as 'Urban Planning'

Domino #1: Domino Plant as as Art Museum?

July 31st, 2007 · Comments Off on Domino #1: Domino Plant as as Art Museum?

The email we got along with the link to the YouTube vid above, which is really more of a Powerpoint presentation than a video, said “why can’t we have affordable housing and something that gives back to the community, city, etc? it could even be private financing if need be.” Yesterday, Lost City described the […]


Tags: Domino · Urban Planning · Williamsburg

Community Board Funding Measure on Governor’s Desk

July 24th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Q: When are planning bodies not eligible for certain planning grants? A: When they’re community boards in New York City. From Community Board 6 comes a reminder that a measure that will help these entities do planning is awaiting NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s signature. An email says: You may recall that two years ago Senator […]


Tags: Community Boards · Urban Planning

PM Update: City Wants Developers for Gowanus Public Place Site

July 17th, 2007 · 1 Comment

The Department of Housing Preservation and Development announced this morning that it is taking RFPs from developers interested in building on the extremely polluted Public Place site in Gowanus. Public Place will be a mixed-use development that will include at least 400 units of mixed-income housing, commercial space, community facilities and open space, including landscaped […]


Tags: Enviornment · Gowanus · Urban Planning

Interesting Vid: Gowanus / A Team

June 19th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Here’s a vid we found on the YouTube that takes a look at Gowanus in the context of planning and zoning issue. It has a college lesson video feel to it, but is worth a viewing is your interested in some of the neighborhood planning issues generally. You can click over to it here if, […]


Tags: Gowanus · Gowanus Canal · Urban Planning

The Big Carroll Gardens Issues: Rezoning & Landmarking

June 13th, 2007 · Comments Off on The Big Carroll Gardens Issues: Rezoning & Landmarking

For all the discussion in Carroll Gardens about the building that will be built at 360 Smith Street, and its design and height, the bigger issues according to community leaders are rezoning the neighborhood and enlarging its Historic District. The rub, however, is that neither are likely to happen soon. Residents have been told by […]


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Rezoning · Urban Planning

Coney Island #1: The View of the Strategic Planners

June 13th, 2007 · Comments Off on Coney Island #1: The View of the Strategic Planners

The Gotham Gazette offers two interesting pieces about Coney Island redevelopment this week. One of them is from Coney Island Development Corp. President Lynn Kelly and is based on her remarks at a Municipal Art Society discussion last week. It’s an interesting window into her thinking. Here are some excerpts, but we suggest a read […]


Tags: coney island · Urban Planning

Check Out The Great Neighborhood Book

June 13th, 2007 · Comments Off on Check Out The Great Neighborhood Book

There’s a book launch party this evening, from 6PM-8PM for The Great Neighborhood Book. It takes place at Christ Church, which is at the corner of Clinton Street and Kane Street in Cobble Hill. The book is from the Project for Public Spaces and its formal title is The Great Neighborhood Book: A Do-It Yourself […]


Tags: Events · Urban Planning

Was Fourth Avenue Slope Rezoning Flawed?

June 6th, 2007 · 5 Comments

Was the rezoning of Fourth Avenue in Park Slope seriously flawed? We’d argue that it was in several respects, in particular in that it allowed tall (for Park Slope) buildings without requiring any affordable housing. Yesterday, Normal Oder tackled the subject in a very extensive and thoughtful item on his Atlantic Yards Report. The upshot […]


Tags: Fourth Avenue · Rezoning · Urban Planning

Making Third and Fourth Avenues Safer for Pedestrians

June 6th, 2007 · 1 Comment

While there are many streets in New York City that are unfriendly to pedestrians, Third and Fourth Avenues in Brooklyn are at the top of the list. Recent accidents in which pedestrians have been injured and children have been run down and killed have shined a light on the problems. The meeting will take place […]


Tags: Transportation · Urban Planning

Red Hook Piers Update: Things Go From Weird to Weirder

June 6th, 2007 · Comments Off on Red Hook Piers Update: Things Go From Weird to Weirder

Every few weeks, it seems, there is news to convey about the slow burn known as the city’s plan to convert the Red Hook Piers from a container port into something that is, well, quite different. The ideas have already gone through many iterations, and various parts–including housing–have fallen off or been removed. Now, Sarah […]


Tags: Red Hook · Urban Planning

The Downtown Brooklyn Landrush

May 31st, 2007 · Comments Off on The Downtown Brooklyn Landrush

We’re a day late and a dollar short in getting to this, but it’s worth noting that in this week’s Village Voice, Neil deMause deals with the mega-development in the making called Downtown Brooklyn and the collateral damage in the form of people being evicted to make way for the new development. It is not […]


Tags: Downtown Brooklyn · Urban Planning

Finally, a Piazza in Dumbo!

May 24th, 2007 · Comments Off on Finally, a Piazza in Dumbo!

We certainly love a good piazza, so were were cheered to see the following rendering in all its splendor on Streets Blog. The plan to turn the Pearl Street Triangle in Dumbo into a public plaza comes from the Department of Transportation. The Triangle has a lot of potential to be a pretty and nice […]


Tags: Dumbo · Urban Planning

What Will the Gowanus Artists Do?

May 10th, 2007 · 2 Comments

Among the many issues in the ongoing discussion about Gowanus rezoning and planning is how to preserve the neighborhood for the hundreds, if not thousands, of artists that are working there. One proposal, to make Gowanus an Artist’s District, or to at least provide some buildings where artists can work at low cost is the […]


Tags: Gowanus · Urban Planning

Red Hook Piers Housing Torpedoed

May 7th, 2007 · Comments Off on Red Hook Piers Housing Torpedoed

Kiss housing goodbye in terms of any redevelopment of the Red Hook Piers. The initial proposal as floated by the city’s Economic Development Corporation included 350 units of housing on the west side of Columbia Street. The concept was not entirely greeted with open arms by the community. In any case, the Carroll Gardens Courier […]


Tags: Red Hook · Urban Planning

Bed-Stuy Rezoning Public Review Starts Today

May 7th, 2007 · Comments Off on Bed-Stuy Rezoning Public Review Starts Today

[Photo courtesy of turkeyheart/flickr] If you are going to pay attention to what is happing in Brooklyn that is of critical importance, you have to pay attention to rezoning plans. Today’s Metro reports that plans for a rezone of more than 200 blocks of Bedford-Stuyvesant begin a public review process by the Department of City […]


Tags: Bed-Stuy · Rezoning · Urban Planning

How to Make Coney Island "Year Round": Build an Ocean Dome

April 30th, 2007 · 5 Comments

So, here’s the “year-round” Coney Island solution, though it does look like it takes up a lot of real estate. It comes from Japan, from whence a lot of interesting land use, planning and architectural ideas originate. (Dubai is an excellent source as well.) This came to our attention in the context of someone circulating […]


Tags: coney island · Urban Planning

Last Brooklyn Neighborhood to Be Rezoned, Turn Out the Lights

April 27th, 2007 · Comments Off on Last Brooklyn Neighborhood to Be Rezoned, Turn Out the Lights

How many Brooklyn neighborhoods are being downzoned, upzoned or just-plain-rezoned? A lot. In fact, the list of neighborhoods that haven’t been rezoned recently, aren’t currently being rezoned and aren’t scheduled for rezoning may be shorter than the list of ones that were/are/will be. Zoning is generally something that is only of interest to hardcore planning […]


Tags: Rezoning · Urban Planning

Blight Me: Is "Developer Blight" a New Brooklyn Tactic?

April 26th, 2007 · 1 Comment

The other day, protesters were out on Flatbush Avenue to speak out against the “premature demolition” of buildings in the Atlantic Yards footprint by Forest City Ratner. On Sunday, we gazed at the big lot at Bedford Avenue and N. 3rd Street in Williamsburg that is half empty and has had a half-demolished building for […]


Tags: Atlantic Yards · coney island · Urban Planning

Gowanus Groundwork Laid for Toll Brothers in "Subarea B"?

April 25th, 2007 · 1 Comment

What you’re looking at above is part of the Gowanus “Land Use Framework” map in which the neighborhood has been divided into “subareas.” Despite the civil tone of last week’s neighborhood planning session, there remains strong opposition in the community to allowing residential development along the canal. One of the battlegrounds is going to be […]


Tags: Gowanus · Urban Planning

Important Gowanus Planning Meetings This Week

April 17th, 2007 · Comments Off on Important Gowanus Planning Meetings This Week

If you’re wondering what’s going on in Gowanus, there are two key meetings coming up this week. The first is tonight (4/17). It’s a meeting of Community Board 6’s Economic/Waterfront Development, Housing/Human Services and Landmarks/Land Use Committees with representatives from the Departments of City Planning and Housing Preservation and Development about the toxic and empty […]


Tags: Gowanus · Urban Planning