Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Carroll Gardens Retail Report: Check Out Deluxa!

December 11th, 2008 · 5 Comments

The store we’re writing about, which is called Deluxa, has been around a couple of months, but its owner who is a regular GL reader just brought it to our attention and it sounds cool in a major way. Here’s her email to us:

I was wanting to share with you and the readers…that I’ve opened a new(ish) vintage store in Carroll Gardens, in the former Go Fish! Brooklyn location. The store is now called Deluxa, and while I originally had most of Go Fish’s inventory, much of that has been sold and purged, so I’d love to reinvite people to the spot to check out the new merch and new pricepoints. Its been Deluxa since October, but we are really just starting to get around now to spreading the word and reaching out to let people know we are out there, especially as a great alternative to big retailers (Ikea, cough, Urban Outfitters, cough) with better style and lower prices. I’ve opened up the back room too, so there are now 3 whole rooms to shop in. We’re a great place for a unique holiday present, and of course, as always, vintage is super duper friendly on the environment. We’ve got clothing for ladies, gents, and babies (hello Park Slope!), great mid century modern furniture, housewares, dishware, brickabrac, records, and a small but growing new local music section. The website is deluxanyc.com, and I’ve also got a blog and myspace that I use fairly heavily, albeit only since the last 2 months while also opening and running my first business.

Check them out. They’re located at Located at 187 Sackett St between Henry and Hicks off the F or the G train at Carroll Street.

Tags: Carroll Gardens · Retail

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 CarrollGardens67 // Dec 11, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    I think it’s great that this store front has been rented out. As a resident and homeowner of 40 plus years on that same block, I have one small problem with this store. That is the amount of racks and merchandise tht is in front of the store. It’s makes it very diffcult to walk down to your home when there is all this stuff in your path. Sackett street is a pretty busy block being that it’s one of the 3 blocks use to cross over to Cloumbia street. It’s a pretty tight walk pass the store if there are shoppers in front of the store going through the racks. I don’t see why the sidewalk needs to be use to merchandise your stuff. You mentioned that you now have a extra room in the back. Why not use it for all the stuff you display on sidewalk. Why not put thse racks inside the front gate of the storefront instead of blocking the sidewalk. Let’s not mention how hard it is to get out of your car with the racks sitting and block the way. This is a hazard and I’m sure an accident walking to happen. I’m sure there is a law out there in rereference to blocking the side walk. The shops on Smith street and in other parts of the area don’t put their stuff outside. I wish you all the luck with your business but you must do something about all the stuff on the sidewalk. It a eyesore and an accident waiting to happen.

  • 2 Jack // Dec 12, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    I have no connection with the store, but this block doesn’t seem to be heavy in retail. So I completely understand why someone would put merch out in the street.

    Folks on Atlantic Avenue do the same and it’s no big deal.

  • 3 Gina // Dec 13, 2008 at 3:33 am

    I am in no relation to the store, but I have been there a bunch of times since they changed owners and I love it! They have the cutest things, and every time I go in there is new stuff. It really didn’t strike me as a burden to have the merch displayed on the street. It struck me as a really quiet block. It’s probably a good way to let people know she is there. I parked in front of the store and got in and out of my car with no problem. Anyway, keep up the good work, Deluxa!

  • 4 Talula // Dec 13, 2008 at 9:52 am

    have two children one 5 months, and my eldest almost two and I love Deluxa’s selection for baby. I recently bought a beautiful crochet sweater and don’t think I could repeat that purchase or find anything like it in value anywhere else. There are also a bunch of classic kids books and great shoes. All and all I feel great about shopping at Deluxa for both myself and my kids!

  • 5 Brooklyn // Dec 14, 2008 at 8:33 pm

    I also live on Sackett Street and it is a burden walking pass the store when all the stuff is siting on the sidewalk. Atlantic Avenue has wider sidewalks. You can’t compare Atlantic Avenue to Sackett Street.