Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Councilman’s Letter Avoids Pro or Con Stand on 360 Smith

September 16th, 2008 · 4 Comments

City Council Member Bill de Blasio has been involved in the debate over 360 Smith Street since it became a community issue in Carroll Gardens. He has been involved in most public forums over the issue and his office has practically become the official go-between with the community and the developer. Recently, the neigbhborhood group CORD has been challenging him to take a stand against the developer’s effort to build the condo to its full 70 feet rather than 55 feet allowed under altered zoning. A letter from one of CORD’s founders said:

Where are you Councilman DeBlasio?”, we ask, as residents of Carroll Gardens who fought long and hard along with you to pass the zoning text amendment . This amendment which limits building height to 55 ft. will have no value, non, nada, if we allow even one new development to be absolved from its mandate. The claims of loss at the 360 site which is barely started, are incidental, and we need our Councilman to stand by our side at the BSA hearing to show his support. Our efforts through the past year will be futile if we let this go. You have been a strong force in our arduous endeavor to save our neighborhood and we appreciate all that you have done. It is vital that all our Politicians who were proponents of the amendment show their courage and determination by supporting their constituents at the BSA hearing. Where are you Councilman DeBlasio? Can we count on you to be there?

The Councilman wrote a letter to the powerful board a week ago. In it, he does not recommend either approval or disapproval of the developers applications. He simply asks that the board “take the facts of each individual case and neighborhood preservation” into account in making a decision. The BSA hearing is September 24.

Tags: Carroll Gardens

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 jf // Sep 16, 2008 at 11:23 am

    Isn’t that what’s called covering your ass?

  • 2 spnder // Sep 16, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    Didn’t he flip-flop on Ikea too?

  • 3 Dover // Sep 17, 2008 at 10:21 am

    The 60′ building will be another like we see on deBlasio’s “new” 4th avenue!

    But why does Bill want to turn all of our neighborhoods into more of what we seen on 4th Avenue?

    These monster projects are what he also supports for the Gowanus, thought he now qualifies that support with a request for affordable housing. Affordable housing is now the cry to justify granting more zoning height.

    Is it not clear to anyone what the vision of the “overall neighborhood” is here and what side of “preservation” he is on.

  • 4 nicky 215 // Sep 17, 2008 at 11:15 am

    This is a man that should Not be Borough President. Someone who stands for something other than advancing their own career needs to run against him