Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

On the Sofa, Daily Edition

July 10th, 2008 · No Comments

link-asterisk.jpg“I was a kid in the neighborhood in the late 30’s and shined shoes in front of Diamonds with my Friend who would become my Brother in law after the war. I remember a Packard touring car pulling up to the curb and several men in long coats got out and went into the bar and shot up the place. We ran across the street and ran down the Subway stairs I lived on 12th st at the time and went to PS 39 on 6th ave and 8th st. near the library. I have many fond memories of the Park slope and South Brooklyn Area. My wife and I were Married in Holy Name on 9th Ave and Prospect in 1952. It was a good spot for a shoe shine boy in 1935. I remember a tough Cop named Dutch Holland who would beat the crap out of you if he caught you. Those were the good old days.”–Urban Environmentalist NYC: Park Slope History Revealed

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