Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brooklyn Nibbles: Williamsburg & Greenpoint Edition

September 20th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Jimmys Diner

We have an opening and a closing to pass along in North Brooklyn.

1) Jimmy’s Diner is now open at 577 Union Avenue. It replaces Union Picnic, which closed. The menu run–no surprise–to diner food, with a lot of burgers and sandwiches on the menu. When we passed by on Sunday, there was a fairly modest brunch crowd inside.

2) We got word of this a while ago and promptly put it aside: The William Taft Restaurant in Greenpoint has gone belly up. At least, it has been sealed tight since before Labor Day. The Taft, you might remember was a vegetarian effort, but as one email put it, it featured “too much macrobiotics and not enough spice.” It only lasted a few months.

Tags: Brooklyn Nibbles

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 al oof // Sep 21, 2007 at 7:44 pm

    the taft didn’t close because the business was failing (not that it was excelling, but the first 3 months of a restaurant are always hard) but because the person running realized it wasn’t what they wanted to do.