Back in March we posted about major changes coming to Union Avenue between Havemeyer Street and Richardson Streets around N. 9th and N. 10th Streets. Change is definitely in the air, as can be seen in the photo taken by our favorite Brooklyn advice blogger dabbing in real estate development news, Bad Advice. She writes:
Maybe they’re just fixing the roof. Could be they’re just refurbishing an old building and making it into something useful, like a methadone clinic or halfway house for the tragically hip. But this morning as I left my house, I saw these guys on the roof of the chocolate factory (much sweeter smelling than the cabbage factory, FYI) and got the distinct feeling that I was staring at some demolition in preparation for some new construction. Can’t wait. What Williamsburg definitely needs is more luxury housing.
We’ve added the rendering of what is to come at the location of the old Manhattan Chocolate factory, which is at 580 Union Avenue, to the her photo of the workers. Permits are in process, so whatever the nice gentlemen in the work gear were checking out on the roof, it was clearly in anticipation of getting the Green Light for demolition. If you’re into wall murals, of which the building has a whole bunch, get out there while you can.
Related Post:
Union Avenue About to Change Big Time