Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Chile Pepper Fiesta at Brooklyn Botanic Garden on Saturday

September 29th, 2006 · No Comments

To judge by the crowds that have shown up for it in recent years, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden doesn’t need us to promote it’s annual Chile Pepper Festival. But, it’s worth nothing that the fest takes place on Saturday (9/30) and that it’s full of activities and performances. (The BBG even has a little blog associated with the fiesta about the joys of hot food and related topics.) Us, we’re going to get kidnapped by the day job to do photography on Saturday, so we’re going to miss this year’s shindig. In the past, however, we’ve found that the fiesta food is okay, but not outstanding and certainly not super-hot, although self-disclosure requires us to say that we have an asbestos palate and that our threshold for “hot” is set a lot higher than most people’s.

The fest starts at Noon and the food is served up until 5:30. It can be a fun time, especially for children, but beware the crowds because it’s a very well-known and promoted event. If you’re looking for a peaceful day to enjoy the BBG and don’t care about the Fiesta, you might want to go to on Sunday instead. If you don’t mind the extra crowd and you want to check out the Fiesta, then Saturday’s your day.

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