Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Our Jobs Are Screwed, but Slope Offers Silver Lining to Misery

February 24th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Well, new unemployment claims are at record levels and we’re heading toward something that resembles more of a Depression that a little ‘ole recession. Well, at least something that will make the Reagan Recession of the Early 80s, which was pretty brutal, for those who only wish to remember the Gipper’s posthumus sainthood, look like a mere bump in the road. It’s bad out there people. How bad? Well, there’s this gym on Fifth Avenue near Bergen Street that’s trying to entice people with “Out of Work? Work Out!” Looks like Francesco has a couple of weeks of joblessness on Suara. Or maybe Suara just has less money to eat because when she’s done paying Park Slope rent she’s easting cat food. It does make one wonder, shouldn’t unemployed people getting unemployment be out looking for work? Or, perhaps, this was a missed opportunity in President Barack’s Recovery Package–maybe people should be paid for working out. Like FDR did the WPA? President Obama can do the LWPA (Lose Weight Projects Administration) for everyone. Could work.

Tags: Park Slope

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 DK // Feb 24, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    As someone who attends the facility mentioned here (which is not a gym, btw), this post is pretty damn mean-spirited.

    Then again, bloggers are pretty much one tiny step from being unemployed at all times, aren’t they?

  • 2 rsguskind // Feb 24, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    Mean-spirited? It was an attempt at humor and expression of frustration of how crappy the economy is. I found the sign great and very funny.