Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

GL Day Ender: Benefit for the Sloop Clearwater @ Brooklyn Brewery

February 25th, 2009 · No Comments

On Thursday, 2/26, there’s going to be a fundraiser for the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, a nonprofit environmental organization that runs environmental science lessons for elementary school kids aboard a big wooden boat. It’s be docked in Red Hook in the future. The takes place the Brookyn Brewery at 79 North 11th Street (between Wythe and Berry) from 7-9:30PM and costs 20 bucks. Here’s a bit from the email:

During the 1960s, the Hudson River was incredibly polluted. Folk singer / activist Pete Seeger decided to solve the problem by building a large wooden boat. The idea: the Hudson is everyone’s river; if people have access, they’ll care about the river, and will work to prevent industry from filling it with crap. So Pete founded Clearwater and built the boat, which has sailed up and down the Hudson for 30 years, conducting on-board environmental education for children and adults. The organization also promotes sound environmental policy in the watershed, and fights polluters like GE, Entergy, ARCO, etc. Thanks in large part to Clearwater’s efforts, the Hudson is now clean enough for swimming, fishing, and emergency airplane landings. We’ve always offered educational sails not only for schools in wealthy suburbs, but also for those in underserved and/or urban communities; this year, we finally gained access to a dock in Brooklyn, which dramatically increases our ability to serve students in NYC. To celebrate (and raise much-needed funds to support our programs), we’re having a party at the Brooklyn Brewery. There’ll be food, live music by Chris Cubeta and the Liars Club & Medicine Woman, and various salty crew members from the boat. We’re asking for a $20 donation, which includes (limited) free beer courtesy of the Brooklyn Brewery.

Eat. Drink. Be merry. Feel socially good about yourself.

Tags: GL Day Ender