Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

However, the Fuglyfication of Bed-Stuy Does Continue

February 23rd, 2009 · 1 Comment

Meet 113 Monroe Street in Bed-Stuy. We run this to show the ongoing fuglyfication of Bed-Stuy and how architects have gone wild tossing up mediocre structures that don’t fit in with the gorgeous brick and brownstone environment. The only saving grace here is that it’s at the corner of Monroe and Bedford and does less violence to the rest of the beautiful block. The six-story building will have 29 units and comes from an architect named Leonid Krupnik, who seems to be another gray brick and bizarre balcony kind of guy. Ah, but 113 has an itty bitty problem. There’s a partial Stop Work Order from the Department of Buildings, which does seem to have found some new energy since a lot of people were slaughtered last year by accidents. We don’t know what it means for the building as a whole, but it’s been in place since July: “PARTIAL STOP WORK ORDER FOR NO TOE BOARDS @ BALCONY THRU-OUT EVERY FLOOR 2 TO 6 TO PREVENT ANYTHING FROM FALLING OFF BLDG.” We do love it when things fall off buildings.

Tags: Bed-Stuy · Construction Issues

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Mr Mogul // Feb 24, 2009 at 12:16 am

    Yes to the toe boards, can’t say how many times I’ve kicked something valuable off of a balcony by mistake….

    Also, what is that in the corner pocket? Is it a glass enclosed area for walking up between floors, as in the stairs? Nothing like having an open view to the outside while walking up the stairs to your apartment late at night. An open elevator with all glass windows that went straight up to the party on the roof would have been more my style….