Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Another Crappy Day at Scarano World HQ

February 20th, 2009 · 2 Comments

It’s probably not another day full of smiles at the world headquarters of Robert Scarano Architect in Dumbo. Today’s Daily News reports that Brooklyn’s most controversial architect has been fined for a project in Williamsburg that badly damaged an adjacent building. An except:

A notorious Brooklyn architect accused of faking plans to skirt zoning laws has now been fined for failing to make proper inspections at another site, city officials said. Robert Scarano was slapped with $2,800 in fines last month by the Environmental Control Board over shoddy excavation work last year at 170 North Fifth St. in Williamsburg, which damaged an adjacent building, officials said. Department of Buildings officials said Scarano only did two inspections at the site during a 10-month period in 2007, instead of the required seven. DOB inspectors also found excavation work at the property under Scarano’s oversight undermined a building at 602 Driggs Ave.

Mr. Scarano’s lawyer is appealing the fine and saying Mr. Scarano is a “scapegoat” in the North Fifth St. problem.

Tags: Construction Issues · Williamsburg

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Romo // Feb 20, 2009 at 11:16 am

    ONLY $2800.00???
    What kind of crap is that??
    That unimaginative slimeball should be booted from brooklyn altogether.

  • 2 Hezi // Sep 15, 2009 at 11:04 pm

    I am shocked as well. Looks like this guy is responsible for everything bad in this cit
    How come he is not locked up yet?!