Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

GL Day Ender: Money Basics, Count Your Ble$$ings Class

February 11th, 2009 · No Comments

This comes from Ann Kansfield at the Greenpoint Reformed Church, which does superb work within the community. They will be running a “Count Your Ble$$ings” class on money basics for the next four weeks, starting tomorrow, Thursday (2/12). Here’s a bit from the email:

With the downturn in the economy affecting so many people, we thought it would be helpful to provide the Greenpoint/Williamsburg community with a four week class on Money Basics, we’re calling “Count Your Ble$$ings.” The class starts this Thursday (Feb. 12th) from 7-8:30pm, and will meet at 136 Milton St (between Manhattan and Franklin). There is no cost for the class, so that everyone will be able to participate, regardless of financial means.

Kevin Scott Hall is not a financial consultant, but he is is someone who has been there: a struggling artist, living paycheck to paycheck. After the economic collapse of September 2008, Hall came to the realization that he could no longer continue living the way he had been living. Marshaling all his resources as a student and an educator, he began—and continues—the long process of learning about money.

Now, taking the best advice and exercises from popular financial gurus like Suze Orman, David Bach, Robert Kiyosaki and others, and combining it with what Scripture says about money, Hall—in an entertaining and insightful way—helps you to confront your own fears and unhealthy behaviors with your money and guides you on a step by step recovery toward a theology of abundance. Hall persuades you that, while great worldly wealth may not be God’s plan for all of God’s people, surely God doesn’t want you to live day to day with worry, panic and perhaps greed—that is, being ruled by money. Abundance means better stewardship and better choices.

Indeed, it does.

Tags: GL Day Ender