Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Prospect Heights Dude Wonders What’s Up with Hipsters

February 4th, 2009 · 4 Comments

What is it about hipsters that set some people off or leave some tragically confused? There’s a thread on Brookynian that keeps getting longer and long on the hispster topic. It started with this:

What’s the deal? The dark frame glasses, tight jeans, scruffy faces, Brooklyn Industries bags, incredible skinniness, Chuck Taylor sneakers? Why are they all such carbon copies? I thought that whole style started as a way to be different, and now it’s like a population of people who are exactly like each other and who are, in fact, very difficult to tell apart. I’m not trying to be offensive here, I’m truly curious. Does anyone know?

Uh, yeah, some people know. For instance:

I believe, that in one fashion or another, the current hipster movement may have reared it’s horn rimmed black glasses and skinny bs head from the mid-90’s yuppie movement when the yuppies started to migrate from their posh lives uptown to the gritty and filthy scenes below 14th St. At that time, Hush Puppie shoes became the choice of footwear (for yuppies and those that wanted to be “cool”) and soon it became an epidemic which was then caught by the rest of the population.

Soon enough, more and more people were wearing them and a new fad of “hipster” was born…out of yuppies. The blow, the clubs and bars were a breeding ground for “new” fashions which evolved into the current “hipster movement”. When those particular neighborhoods started to become more like a mutated yuppie paradise(over priced and understocked), they started to move in and force the punks and residents out…as the “hipsters” number grew, they expanded and moved across the river to Williamsburg, now Hipster central.

Sure, maybe this seems far fetched, a crazy idea, but i have a feeling that it def. contributed to the current state of affairs.

The thread eventually degenerated into an attack on all people not born in Brooklyn. Fascinating.

Tags: Prospect Heights

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Benjamin Kabak // Feb 4, 2009 at 11:40 am

    If it were up to me, I’d go back to 1970s New York when the city was broke, dangerous and in a downward spiral. Too much success around here these days 😉

  • 2 mag // Feb 4, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    don’t worry ben, old times will be here before you know it.

  • 3 Richard Grayson // Feb 5, 2009 at 6:57 am

    I suspect hipsters peaked in 2006 and the Great Recession will be to hipsters what the asteroid was to dinosaurs.

  • 4 br // Feb 6, 2009 at 4:29 pm

    this is supposed to be a joke, right? williamsburg was already full-on hipster territory by the mid 90s (liberal arts college alumni ftw). i don’t think the mystery is where they come from but why their style hasn’t evolved in the last 15+ years.