Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

GL Day Ender: Community Blogging With Flatbush Gardener

January 30th, 2009 · 1 Comment

Usually, our GL Day Enders are sort of routine posts, but this one brings us pleasure because it involves a friend and fellow blogger who does great work, Flatbush Gardener. He will be giving a talk about Community Blogging at the Monday Morning Coffee Talk sponsored by the Historic Districts Council. It’s on Monday, Feb. 2, from 8:30-10:00am at the Neighborhood Preservation Center, which is located at 232 East 11th Street (that’s in Manhattan). Here’s a bit from the email:

Community bloggers are increasingly the voice of local neighborhoods. As larger newspapers focus less and less on the day to day, neighborhood-based blogs have assumed the role of providing updated, detailed accounts of the issues that directly affect built environment and quality of life. With little more than an internet connection and a digital camera, these activist reporters monitor communities with a passion and in the process end up mobilizing their fellow neighbors to
take action and make change. Join Chris Kreussling, otherwise known as the Flatbush Gardener, as he recounts his blogging experiences since launching his site in 2006. Mr. Kreussling’s blog covers a number of local issues in great detail – including the proposed Flatbush rezoning, citywide greenspace concerns, and Brooklyn community gardens – and he’s learned a great deal along the way. From attracting new readers, to launching related email list-serves, to understanding what “Twitter” and other social media sites are all about, February’s talk will tackle the blogging industry head-on and give you the tools for starting your own.

The even is free, but space is limited so reservations are needed. This can be done by contacting Lauren Belfer at (212) 614-9107 or lbelfer@hdc.org.

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