Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

GL Analysis: Our Long National Nightmare is Over

January 20th, 2009 · 5 Comments

There have been times when we never thought we’d live to see the day when a true paradigm shift happened in American politics. Yet, here we are. The long and terrifying nightmare that began with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 and took a slight turn for the better through the Clinton years in the 1990s is finally over. By the end of today the catastrophic and awful administration of George W. Bush will be relegated to the pages of history books that are yet to be written. We know deep in our soul that their conclusions will not be good. They will dwell on the fundamental ways that our most basic civil liberties were eroded, a policy of American aggression that will only succeed in creating a new generation of terrorists and fundamental failures to truly secure our nation. They will also, sadly, focus on the Bush Administration’s eight years of looking the other way while a quarter-century of excess on Wall Street and in the financial industry led to one of the greatest American financial and economic catastrophes in history. Many of us are suffering personally and things will only become worse as 2009 goes on.

Yet, as Barack Obama takes the oath of office, with the promise of the most fundamental shift in America politics since Franklin Roosevelt took over from Herbert Hoover at the outset of the Great Depression, it is fair to say that our long national nightmare is over and that the promise of growth and hope is ahead of us.

We are personally grateful that God has allowed us to live long enough to see this day come to pass. We mourn for a lot of wonderful people who we have known who did not live to see this day and we feel pain deep in our souls for being unable to share this moment of glory with people in our lives who have meant a great deal to us. We wish we could collect all of them in one room and celebrate this great moment together. Last night, we cried like a baby when we watched the clip of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech.” I suspect we will shed tears, for many, many reasons today as President Obama gives what we suspect will be one of the greatest Inaugural Speeches in American History.

All we can say is that the Promised Land of which the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke so eloquently the evening before he was martyred is before us in so many ways. God bless you, President Obama. Godspeed. And may God protect you and give you the wisdom to make us whole again, to inspire and to be one of the great leaders of this century.

Now, stop reading GL, and watch the inauguration. There is nothing going on in Brooklyn at this moment that is more important than what is happening in the Nation’s Capital, where we lived for so many years. Revel in the profound winds of deep change blowing across our land.

Tags: Politics

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 loftninja // Jan 20, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    mission accomplished…

  • 2 John // Jan 20, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    If you thought the Clinton years were only a “slight turn for the better” then you are going to be disappointed with Obama’s administration, which so far has rehired much of Clinton’s brain trust for key positions.

  • 3 legion // Jan 20, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    Don’t be a pompous ass. This is a great day for the nation, no doubt. A historical moment for the world, no doubt. But do not for a moment think that this nation’s greatness is the work of a single segment of society. Let me remind you and the rest of the liberal media sycophants,
    58,000,000 voted for an honorable man as well, in opposition, in legitimate and democratic opposition. Respect that. Power was transferred peacefully, again a testament to this great nation. Respect that. Do not celebrate Obama’s victory by denigrating the choices that we American’s have made willfully and thoughtfully and WITHOUT regret in the past. Let us move foward and get on with the business at hand, united we stand divided we fall.

  • 4 m.thew // Jan 21, 2009 at 10:25 am

    It’s true, that reactionary rump of 58 million is no laughing matter. The plutocratic/fundamentalist faction has it’s four ghouls on the Supreme Court, sometimes five. And Mitch McConnell will be a bullish weapon for his masters in the ruling oligarchies. It only takes one senator to bollix things up — witness Cornyn’s hold on the Clinton nomination — something the gutless Democrats consistanly failed to do when they should have; the GOP will have no such problem. The Chamber of Commerce has already drawn the line at Employee Free Choice, one of the best ways of shoring up the middle class. They know it’s war. I wish the hopeful crowd realized it as well.

    Meanwhile, 38 million didn’t vote at all.

    How do we know this is a new era? Perhaps its just the last gasp of the old one. Hisstory will tell, but its presumptious to Obama, after all, will not be dismantling the national security state, that cancer that has been eating away at democracy since the end of WWII. Already the Chamber of Commerce has drawn the line on Employee Free Choice

  • 5 ParisParamus // Jan 24, 2009 at 10:33 am

    Not unexpected from you, but I’m sorry you view President Bush in such a negative light. I miss the man already, and think he will go down in history as one of our great Presidents. Not a socialist or “cool” guy, but great for what he has done to keep us safe.

    I hope you reconsider your position.

    The election and inauguration of President Obama also makes me proud for it’s social implications–even if the guy is 1/2 socialist and 1/2 empty (or mystery) shirt.
