Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

NY Mag Names Greenpoint “Shit Tits” One of Top Ten Bldgs of Year

December 10th, 2008 · No Comments

[Photo courtesy of Miss Heather]

Okay, it’s just some smart asses around Greenpoint that call the giant digester eggs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant the “shit tits.” Most other people, who are unfamiliar with the Great Greenpoint Megalopolis just say “What is that fucking thing?” and other simply don’t notice the plant but do notice the general Eau du Merde and says “This fucking neighborhood smells like shit.” Well, sewerage deserves good architectural treatment too and Polshek Partnership, which designed the new plant, have been recognized for their work. Yesterday, New York Magazine named the building to its best of 2008 list. It is different, even if we find it frightening in a shitty kind of way.

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