Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Disconnected in Brookyn: Seeking the Hipster Prototype

November 23rd, 2008 · 1 Comment

Yes, it’s Sunday, which brings us to our Missed Connection of the Week. We settled on this ironic little number from Williamsburg for today’s entertainment:

You are the Prototype – m4w – 24 (7th & Bedford)

Me: Skinny jeans with patterned slip-ons. Shaggy brown hair, crusty mustache, over-sized headphones, a black and white plaid cloth scarf and an attitude.

You: Skinny jeans with black boots just past your ankles, brown straight hair with bangs, over-sized 80’s style glasses, bright red lip-stick, american apparel type blouse, over-sized headphones (around your neck).

I saw you loitering on bedford. You had headphones but you weren’t listening to any music. You never smiled, and I thought to myself, “wow, this is a girl like no other.” Then I looked to my left and saw 20 more of you. Then 70 or so bumped my shoulders on the street cause they weren’t paying attention to where they were going. Then 300 more poured out of the Music Hall. Just when I started to feel sad, I noticed about 2,000 of me standing around and then I thought, we’re both so totally and hopelessly unoriginal and fake we’d be perfect for one another. Email me, we can pretend to talk about music we know absolutely nothing about then get drunk off of OE cause, you know, it’s fun to be white and pretend like you know shit about the ghetto. I know you’re out there, I’ll be waiting breathlessly by my MacBook Pro and Midi Keyboard for your email. In fact, I think I’ll go compose a wordless, electronic ballad while I wait. peace, chicken

Is is sarcasm do you think?

Tags: Missed Connections · Williamsburg

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