Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Birdwatching Performance at Calvert Vaux Park

November 21st, 2008 · 1 Comment

This Saturday (11/22) from 11am to 4pm at the Calvert Vaux Park, in Kingston, the will be a wandering performance of “Hello My Name is Dark-eyed Junco,”, followed by a bird-watching tour.

Junco is a response to the immanent installation of six artificial turf soccer fields scheduled to begin at Calvert Vaux Park November 24th. The renovation will significantly change the park’s natural habitat, which serves as a temporary and permanent home to a variety of birds. Junco examines the identity of the bird watcher in nature. The play will begin in a decentralized fashion at various stations around the park that humorously “teach” people about birding- transforming the entire area into a kind of military base configuration of psychic avian awareness.

So, dress warm, grab your binoculars and head on down.

Tags: Animals · Parks

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