[Photo for GL by Nathan Kensinger]
The Prison Ship Martyrs Monument in Fort Greene Park is being rededicated on Saturday (11/15), with the eternal flame on top being re-lit and, most important, the eagles that had been taken by the Parks Department finally returned to their rightful place. GL Contributor Nate Kensinger passes along a couple of pics of the eagles and a link to an amazing story about what happened to them and we have a big from a press release about the big ceremony (yes, this is why the monument was all wrapped in scaffolding for so long as it was being rehabbed):
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1908 dedication of the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument, a grand celebration will take place on Saturday, November 15, 2008 in Fort Greene Park. The majestic Stanford White-designed Monument which stands in the heart of the Park is one of the most important and sacred memorials in our country. It honors the remains of over 11,500 POWs, interred in a crypt beneath the Monument, who perished for the cause of freedom during the American War of Independence.
Yes, there were once British prison ships in Wallabout, where the Brooklyn Navy Yard now stands and tens of thousands of Americans died gruesome deaths there.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2008: 5:30-7:30 PM – Kick-Off Reception at MoCADA, 80 Hanson Place.
>Prize-winning art works inspired by the experiences of the British >Prison Ship Martyrs during the American Revolution, created by >neighborhood high school students; free, refreshments.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2008 RAIN OR SHINE. Full Day of Free Spectacular Activities in Fort Greene Park
10:00 AM – To reserve for limited space events, sign-up sheets will be available in the Visitors’ Center.
11:00 AM- NYC Department of Parks and Recreation unveiling of the Monument eagles.
Noon – 3:45 PM – Visitors Center: Family Roots Project: Explore your family’s roots, free genealogical workshops and assistance with individual searches conducted by professionals from the African Atlantic Genealogical Society; entertainment stage: Jazz by Jeff Newell’s New Trad and Wade Barnes’ Brooklyn Four plus One, Brooklyn High School of the Arts band, performers from Irondale Theater; * Guided bus tours of the Brooklyn Navy Yard; Revolutionary war re-enactors; activities for families – meet Mr. Walt Whitman; Ranger-led tours of the park; *a horse and buggy will be available for family fun and to provide transport for people in need of help to reach the Monument Plaza.
*Limited space events
5:00 PM – Re-lighting the Eternal Flame of the Prison Ship Martyrs for the first time since 1921, and the return of our eagles after a four-decade struggle by undaunted Fort Greeners.
We’ve cut out a lot of the schedule. Full details by clicking here.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Nov 11, 2008 at 8:45 pm
Prison ships? Yes, I guess we still have a prison island: Rikers.
2 Anonymous // Nov 12, 2008 at 8:45 pm
what is the schedule for sunday?
3 Anonymous // Jan 28, 2009 at 10:58 am
To the first commenter, there is a major difference between thousands of innocent men that volunteered to fight for their country being held in horrible conditions on prison ships and criminals in which most deserve to be in prison. Also, Rikers is not a pleasant place but is silly to compare it to death ships.