Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

“Crazy Car Accident” Worries Windsor Terrace

October 30th, 2008 · 1 Comment

nullIf you live out by Prospect and Eleventh Avenue in Windsor Terrace and were startled awake around 11pm Sunday (10/26) night by the horrible sound of a car crash, you thought right. Luckily, no innocent bystanders were hurt by the collision of one car racing into two parked cars. With every bad situation, something good comes of it, tho. IN this case -neighbors coming together and starting a communication about making positive change for their neighborhood. (Note: the image here is not of this particular accident, but a different one in the general area.) Here’s some of the flavor from the Windsor Terrace Forum on Brookynian:

About 11pm there was sudden sound of screeching brakes and then the loud, terrifying and unmistakable boom of cars colliding. I believe there were 3 successive booms of an impact. I rushed outside from my apartment near the intersection of Prospect and 11th Avenue and many others had come outside as well. Down Prospect Avenue at the northwest corner of Prospect Avenue and Terrace Place a Honda Accord coupe with only the driver inside was sitting sideways in the street after it had viciously slammed in to 2 parked cars….[Prospect Avenue and Terrace Place] is a very dangerous intersection and stretch of road. The traffic light is behind a sharp curve and the traffic signal is also obscured by trees. People speed up and down this stretch of Prospect Avenue often… there is also an elementary school nearby on 11th Avenue and children cross with no guard at Prospect Avenue and 11th… Is this something that would be best brought up to the community board or the NYC Department of Transportation?

This isn’t the first post we’ve put up about automotive insanity in Windsor Terrace and Kensington, particularly on the streets that drivers tend to treat like raceways. Here’s hoping for some solutions before people get killed.
Vaduz Uvunt

Tags: Windsor Terrace

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 woodendesigner // Oct 30, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    With all the bad driving I have seen lately, I think that it’s only a matter of time before an angry mob drags a crappy driver out of the car and beats him. People really need to realize that driving has a very large responsibility that comes along with it.