Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Disconnected & Deranged: Manhattan Big Foot Taco Bell Special

October 28th, 2008 · No Comments

We believe in good dental hygiene as much as anybody, but we have to say that today’s Missed Connection takes love and hygiene to another level. It’s so impressive, in fact, that it cause us to leave Brooklyn for an unheard of venture into…gasp…Manhattan. Check it out:

you told me about bigfoot – m4w

You were at Taco-Bell in line. I over heard you talking about your upcoming trip to Northern Canada to look for Bigfoot. I told you that I know all about the Sasquatch because I used to live in Alberta. I made a joke about an ex-girlfriends mother. You laughed and i noticed that you had no fillings. You take such nice care of your teeth but am worried about you. Will you still be able to brush those pearly whites in Bigfoot country. I told you to check out my site and to email me. Maybe I will join you. drinkingfortwo.net

So, it’s probably a shill for a site. But, here’s what we found when we went over there as the most recent post:

i think it would be fun to have sex with a girl that was dressed up like a gorilla until that moment when you realize that deep down you’re a gorilla fucker. that would be a tough one to swallow. it would follow you every where you go that little voice. one minute you’re buying shampoo at the drug store the next thing you know all you can hear is ‘gorilla fucker, gorilla fucker‘ going through your head. that’s why i say ‘just say no to costumes’….

Sorry to take you there, friends, but that’s where this all leads. Draw your own conclusions.

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