There is irony today in the aftermath of yesterday’s outrageous and appalling approval of the term limit extension that will allow Mayor Bloomberg and others like Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz to run for new terms in office. America is poised on the brink of a paradigm shift and one of the most historic electoral outcomes in our nation’s history, electing not only the first African-American President but a person with the qualities to be one of the true great leaders of this century. Yet, New York City is backsliding into a fetid political quagmire more suited to Vladimir Putin’s Moscow and reversion to Cold War fantasies of European domination. Yes, we exaggerate. Micheal Bloomberg can’t dominate Staten Island, let alone take over New Jersey and Connecticut, yet the foul anti-democratic tactics are the same and the ruling oligarchy of developers and moneyed interests that are behind it are no different than Putin’s oil mafia and KGB operatives.
Imagine this man, and his cronies, had the country had the misfortune to elect him as President, as the prospect of a second term ending drew near. Picture President Bloomberg ordering Chief of Staff Quinn and Congressional Liaison Markowitz to draft a repeal of the 22nd Amendment limiting a President to two terms and using his personal fortune to set up non-profits to work in each state capital to push for it. Imagine the political horse trading in Congress that would ensue. The money that would be thrown around. The hundreds of billions in pork that Vice President Daniel Doctoroff would dispense to get the Bloomberg Amendment through Congress. One can easily see President Putin Bloomberg saying, “These people calling me Putin are really getting under my skin. That freedom of the press thing is just an amendment too. How much do you think it would cost to get it repealed? The blogs especially. Maybe we could get an amendment banning blogs? I don’t care how you do it Dan. Get it done. Buy every Member of Congress a mansion in Tahiti. I don’t care. Buy Tahiti and give it to them. Whatever it takes.”
The heroes in this are the 22 City Council Members that voted against the Beer Hall Putsch term limit repeal. The villains are the 29 traitors who sold democracy down the river for the promise of some crappy facility in their Council Districts. The heroes are Bill de Blasio, Tish James, Tony Avella and others. Mr. de Blasio, with whom we disagree on any number of issues, said: “The people will long remember what we have done here today, and the people will be unforgiving. We are stealing like a thief in the night their right to decide the shape of their democracy. We are forgetting who we work for.” We recognize the self-interest in fighting the Mayor, but applaud Mr. de Blasio and others for it, particularly Ms. James, who had no immediate plans to run for higher office. The tragedy is that we are on the precipice of a truly defining moment in American history just as New York City has jumped off a cliff to satisfy the ambitions and vanity of a rich and powerful man and various toadies in places like Brooklyn Borough Hall who are equally desperate to cling to their pathetic power and ability to abuse the public trust.
Shame on them all. History will treat them as people who subverted democracy just at the moment that America was about to embrace historic change. The real work lies ahead in convincing a majority of New Yorkers to vote every one of these bastards (and we are not fond of calling people names, but that’s what people who refuse to allow popular vote on matters of grave political importance are) out of office next year. Bloomberg must go. Markowitz must go. Quinn must go.
The 29 Traitors on the City Council must go. The ultimate judgment is in the hands of the people. We intend to use our voice to campaign against this Soviet-like power grab every day and we await the emergence of community leaders to fight this vile power grab.
The only bright side is that Mr. Bloomberg did not run for President and have the chance to subvert the Constitution. But there’s still time when he’s done ruling New York like that Russian man named Vladimir.
2 responses so far ↓
1 bob // Oct 24, 2008 at 11:48 am
Great comments! If nothing else, this action has made many people aware of how totally insensitive the mayor is to the needs of his consitutents. Polls and probably the news media will insist that with his unlimited money, the Mayor is a sure bet to win reelection, but hopefully, all those put off by his action (and many of his previous actions) will reject this and encourage possible candidates like Wiener, Thompson and Avela to challenge the Mayor on all his policies.
2 Anonymous // Oct 24, 2008 at 8:12 pm
Better give the Putin photog a credit.