Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Development Notebook: Burg Lorimer Liquor Store on Goes Very Vertical

October 21st, 2008 · No Comments

An old liquor store on Lorimer Street near Grand, east of the BQE, is going vertical in a major way. The store had sat there quietly for years, selling booze and lottery tickets to the locals and the (increasingly) the newly-arrived hipster. Ah, but no longer. They’re still selling PBR’s and Vladimir Vodka, but they’re also going to be selling condos. Per DOB, good old 494 Lorimer is going to end up as a relatively diminutive (for Williamsburg) four-story building with six condos. We tried to get confirmation they going to call it The Miller High Life, but couldn’t get the word. Also, there’s a small problem right now of a Stop Work Order issued late last week because of “failure to maintain,” which is something to which a lot of people can relate. (Dude, you’ve got a significant failure to maintain. Get your crap together, man.) In this case, there was no shed that could help keep you alive if something fell off the building and, you know, fell and, you know, potentially could have crushed your skull instead of landing on the roof of the shed. On the other hand, if it was just a bruise, they probably would have give you a free bottle of Vlad to ease the pain. The developer is said to have blamed the oversight on Frankie the Plumber. (Kidding.) The culprit was Joey the Roofer.

Tags: Development Notebook · Williamsburg