Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Prospect Heights Bike Shop Relocating to Dismay of Some

October 9th, 2008 · 7 Comments

[Photo courtesy of Citynoise]

Ride a bike and live in Prospect Heights? Well, Bicycle Station on 560 Vanderbilt Ave has been a frequent stop for bicycle enthusiasts and weekend riders on their way to Prospect Park. The shop is always swamped with young and old getting everything from a simple tire inflated to tune ups and major repairs. To the dismay of some locals Bicycle Station is now moving to 171 Park Ave at Adelphi. The new shop is too far for some residents and just right for others. Will the new location affect your ride?
E.C. Stephens

Tags: Prospect Heights

7 responses so far ↓

  • 1 T // Oct 9, 2008 at 11:45 am

    It’s not that it’s too far… I’m scared of that neighborhood.

  • 2 LimestoneKid // Oct 9, 2008 at 12:13 pm

    Scared of “that” neighborhood? Why? Because “that one” might be there?

    I, for one, am totally enthused about the relocation of The Bicycle Station.

  • 3 rah // Oct 9, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    The store will be a little farther away from me now, but hopefully they are moving into a bigger space. The owner, Alex, is a solid, honest guy who I trust to do my wrenching, but they’ve been totally swamped the past few years during the summertime.

  • 4 T // Oct 9, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Err… I don’t know what “that one” is… and I’m not sure how “that” is anything but using a word as a pointer. Nothing more – I don’t happen to know the designation of the neighborhood surrounding Park and Adelphi….

    But yeah, I’m a little scared of that neighborhood. At least at night. If you’re going to tell me the dark and creepy area under the BQE is full of happy things – I’m not going to believe you. Simple as that.

    I’m probably going to remain a customer – and I hope the move also means a bigger space – but I’m not gonna go there at dusk.

  • 5 Mamacita // Oct 9, 2008 at 2:05 pm

    I think the “that one” line limestone used was a reference to the McCain/Obama debate where Obama was called “that one”

  • 6 lovemygears // Oct 9, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    —Scared of “that” neighborhood? Why? Because “that one” might be there?

    Ha! Well done Limestone. Weirdest moment of the election thus far.

    No worries ‘T’. It’s plenty fine during the daylight (and at times erratic) hours Bike Station is open.

  • 7 Kim W. // Oct 10, 2008 at 4:18 pm

    “If you’re going to tell me the dark and creepy area under the BQE is full of happy things – I’m not going to believe you.”

    It’s not like the shop is going to be directly on the meridian under the bridge, for God’s sake.

    But, eh. I live in that neighborhood — they’re moving two blocks down the street from me. (hell, the new location is on the same block where THEY live as well.) And I had no trouble schlepping my bike to its old location — if anyone is scared off by its new location, that just makes it easier for me to get in.