Harlem Shakes guitarist Todd Goldstein (also of The Sea & The Gulls) holds his own with Arms, a charmingly kooky solo project. Arms showcased the recently-released album Kids Aflame last night at Union Hall (702 Union St & Fifth Ave), backed by Speck Mountain. It’s self-described “sadass” folksy pop, a low-key but entirely whimsical batch of songs. When the song “Eyeball” asked of its listener, “Oh, isn’t it strange, that people have eyes?,” it occurred to us: why, yes, it IS strange, very strange, indeed. And we proceeded to sing this chorus for the rest of the night. Read Todd’s interview from What To Wear During An Orange Alert blog here, in which he says of songwriting,
“I’m only comfortable writing terrifying fictional scenarios about fucked up shit encased in pop songs…I’m an [sic] incredibly nice and well adjusted in person, I promise.”
And he is. Arms, we salute you.
Download free music via RCRD LBL from Arms and Speck Mountain here.
—Katie Lee Rush
1 response so far ↓
1 veloraptr // Sep 9, 2008 at 11:10 pm
Harlem Shakes are amazing and Todd G. is amazing, too. Was that him running around in the video? He needs to get waxed if it is.