Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Development Notebook: Stuck on Burg’s N. 8 Street

August 27th, 2008 · No Comments

These two curious neighbors on N. 8 Street in Williamsburg, at 203 and 205, between Driggs and Roebling have either been moving slowly or not at all since last year. Number 205, which is to the right, would be a six-story building with five units and we’ve found the trailer the building has had since last winter an interesting touch. Meanwhile, number 203 would be a seven-story building with nine units. It’s had a Stop Work Order since January, which was partially lifted to do “exploratory soil investigation,” which sounds rather ominous. We can’t recall exactly when work on the buildings started, but it was sometime within the last 12-24 months.

Tags: Construction Issues · Williamsburg