And now, from the wilds of Craigslist we turn to a Brooklyn Lost & Found. If you recently lost a bag with $25,000 in cash, someone has found it:
i found a bag full of $$$ in a cab (3rd ave -64 st)
if you lost this $$$ please contact me it was 25,000 dollars i didnt spend any of it ,its all here but please its getting tempting.
Presumably, the person that lost the $25K should be able to prove ownership.
2 responses so far ↓
1 david // Jul 30, 2008 at 4:35 pm
that’s mine.
please forward to me c/o posta restante, nairobi.
2 donflan // Jul 30, 2008 at 6:48 pm
Exactly. Just send $250 to cover insured shipping and I’ll get that package right back to you. Either that or someone trying to generate a social life.