The Anarchy in the Pre-K situation (aka a lot of parents, especially in Park Slope, upset because their children haven’t been accepted into city pre-K classes) has now spawned an information gathering effort via Survey Monkey. Per an email making the rounds via Park Slope Parents, which is a fulcrum of unhappiness about the situation (although the situation is citywide and a Queens Council Member is organizing a protest for Sunday):
As you have likely heard, a number of public PreK applicants who should have received priority (siblings of older kids already enrolled at that school; zoned kids rejected, while out-of-zone and out-of-district kids were accepted) did get spots in this year’s PreK admissions. If you know of anyone in this situation (anywhere in NYC!) please ask them to complete this survey as we (parents of rejected kids) attempt to get a handle on the scope & outreach thus far. While both Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum & City Councilman Bill De Blasio called a press conference yesterday demanding the DOE deal with the situation, we have yet to have a proper response from the DOE as a group or individually. They have told the press they will find suitable spots for wrongly rejected kids, but these spots may be in a school elsewhere in one’s district. That is unacceptable.
The survey–which asks for specific, detailed personal information–is here for anyone suffering from the Pre-K problems.
Here’s one mom’s story and statistical analysis from a Park Slope Parents group email:
I put five choices on my son’s Pre-K application. I put his zoned school first. Someone at the office of P.S.10 told me this morning that they have at least 19 children from outside of the zone with no siblings who have received acceptance letters. They have 16 siblings who were denied spots and at least 3 zoned children who did not receive spots. They have about 20 families who have not responded yet. If the information the school gave me is correct, with 72 Pre-K spots, that puts the rate of non-sibling out-of-zone children getting spots ahead of siblings and zoned children at about 26% so far. I would be interested in any other information from P.S.10 parents or other P.S. 10 rejects.
Cue the Sex Pistols.