Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Upcoming: Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park Meeting

June 5th, 2008 · 1 Comment

There’s a meeting coming up for Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park on Monday, June 9. One of the pitches in the email we saw is that people are trying to organize so that planning for a concert space to replace McCarren Pool will be part of the Bushwick Inlet Park discussion. Per the email: “This means going to meetings and getting involved. Otherwise, have fun wondering why all the bands from our neighborhood are playing shows in Park Slope and Central Park. Or why Live Nation got to build some cool space and all the shows here cost $50.” The meeting takes place at 7PM at Diamond Bar, which is located at 43 Franklin Street. There are serious questions whether the Bloomberg Administration is moving quickly enough on the park to ensure development beyond a Phase I project before leaving office.

As a community WE NEED to stay informed, push the City and encourage, monitor and assist the Parks Department in the creation of the 28 acre waterfront park zoned for and promised to Greenpoint and Williamsburg in the 2005 re-zoning. Come to the first WORKING MEETING of the Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park – absolutely no experience necessary!

1) Learn the details of and monitor the plans and timetable for the Levine Parcel (N9/N10 streets), adjacent to the State Park where ground is set to break on a community playing field promised to be ready for soccer in Summer 2009 – plans for the field as well as a innovative “green” Parks Dept building are nearly set to go out to bid – we need to get our committee up and running so that we have future input and influence at the planning stages!

2) Learn and stay informed of the City’’s efforts and plans for the relocation of Citi-Storage … the big blue building on N. 11th St (with a thriving local industrial operation) smack in the middle of the proposed park.

3) Learn and stay informed of Parks Department’’s plans for demolition, environmental testing, remediation and future as well as interim plans for 50 Kent Street

4) Keep informed of the status of the TGE power plant appeal … presumably doomed but limping along

WE NEED to form committees for these as well as numerous other issues concerning the park (ie relationship between State Park and BIP, ecological issues, need for and means of obtaining community input in planning BEFORE plans are finalized, status of Monitor Museum vis a vis BIP…WE NEED to create a website in which we monitor the issues, stay informed and hold the City and Parks Department accountable for the creation of our Park.

WE NEED YOU to attend the meeting!

Please come!

Tags: Parks · Williamsburg

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Andrew // Jun 10, 2008 at 10:18 am

    Is there any way to get in contact with these people? I missed the meeting.