Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

More Burg Construction Site Animal Cruelty?

May 6th, 2008 · No Comments

Yesterday, our post about the disgusting paint attack on Myrtle the Turtle near the 5 Roebling Street development, possibly by workers excavating the site, elicited more disturbing information on Curbed. Specifically: “There is a site on North 8th or 9th that the developers threw a cat off the roof a couple months back.” We’re not stupid and understand that life for street animals in the Burg was tough before the development boom too, but we can imagine that it’s gotten worse since construction and demolition sites popped up on every block. In this case, we can only think of a few buildings that fit this description on N. 8 and N. 9 between Driggs and Roebling, and we’d certainly love to know which developer threw a cat from either four stories or six stories. You never know when animal cruelty will be a useful part of an otherwise zen, luxury or pampering-based marketing campaign. If anyone knows the story, do let us know at thegowanuslounge (at) gmail (dot) com. The comment and the sad story of Myrtle beg the question of how much animal cruelty is going on at the Burg’s dozens of construction sites.

Tags: Animals · Williamsburg