There is more compelling evidence of the serious upscaling and development of Third Avenue in Gowanus. This is is a recently cleared development site at 433 Third Avenue, as noted by Brownstoner back in February, which will be developed as a six-story residential building with 27 units. It comes from SLCE, an architectural outfit that’s worked on its share of upscale condos in New York City in recent years including Robert A.M. Stern’s 15 Central Park West and the Solaire in Battery Park City. The development site is between Seventh and Eighth Streets in a corridor that is seeing a great deal of development. What does SLCE have up its sleeve for Gowanus?
2 responses so far ↓
1 Grumblefish // Apr 30, 2008 at 9:48 am
SLCE were sub-hacks to ur-hack Stern on 15 CPW. They make Scarano look like Rem Koolhaas. Duck!
2 John Ife // Apr 30, 2008 at 9:56 am
SCLE was only the “Architect of Record” on those buildings (i.e. they took the design architects’ concepts and produced the construction documents). The design architects for 15 CPW and Solaire were, respectively, Robert Stern and Cesar Pelli. Not saying SLCE aren’t a good firm in their own right, but I do think crediting only them for the two jobs cited is rather misleading.