Giant Fart Cloud Construction Underway in Burg

Work has gotten underway at the site of the former Giant Fart Cloud Building at N. 11 Street and Roebling in Williamsburg whose demolition
provided much drama. (The official address is 5 Roebling.) A GL reader writes: “I saw them digging with diggers today at the
Giant Fart Cloud Building. It will be interesting to see the dirt!! I keep calling it ‘The Cabbage.’ For those unfamiliar with the property, it is located across the street from the former Roebling Oil Field and the current Roebling Oil Building, aka Warehouse 11. It was formerly the site of a cabbage processing site, hence its nickname. It is unknown whether the site is contaminated with oil like its neighbors across the street. Another neighbor, whose building “was shaking all day” wrote to ask: “Aren’t they supposed to shore up the buildings next door before they start excavating?” Presumably, this is one of the many buildings now moving quickly to
beat changes in the 421-a tax break program before July.
Tags: Construction Issues · Williamsburg