Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Want to Help Out on PortSide’s Mary Whalen This Weekned?

October 18th, 2007 · No Comments


PortSide New York is looking for volunteers to help out in its very cool tanker the Mary A. Whalen (which was last noted around the city for hosting the Puccini opera Il Tabarro in September) this weekend. The basic info is above. What everyone also needs to know is that because the Whalen is docked in the Red Hook Container Port, security requires that names be on a list for access. If you want to volunteer, please email mail (at) portsidenewyork (dot) org. If you’ve never been on the Whalen or inside the port, both are very, very cool as is PortSide in general. Help ’em out.

Tags: Red Hook