Advocates fighting to save the Underground Railroad Houses on Duffield Street in Downtown Brooklyn from seizure by the city and the wrecking ball are now using a blog to push their cause. One of the new items suggests that an abolitionist museum in the buildings would be a better use of the space than 700 parking space in an underground garage and a plaque commemorating the site. Referring to a 2003 City Planning Department press release, Duffield Street Underground argues:
The press release mentions the word “cultural” eight times, and “parking” twice. The plan would call for the creation of 2,000 new parking spaces, and 694 of those were envisioned for the properties currently home to the Chatel and other families.
The promotion of an Abolitionist museum on Duffield Street is much more consistent with the stated goals of the Department of Planning press release. The future of Brooklyn is not colliding with its past. We need to fully research the historical these properties before destroying them. Otherwise, it might be the parking lot that will “block a key component of the area’s rebirth.”
Last week, an Associated Press story about the buildings and the efforts to save them was picked up around the country.
1 response so far ↓
1 MARVELL // Jul 5, 2007 at 11:41 am
first of all we are not asking for the AKRF nor the mayor’s perhaps even the racist part of newyork city’s approval. and who ever doesn’t want to historically abide to truth, right,legacy and respect are certainly doomed.And we shall have what our hearts desire because the final say doesn’t rest with man;just as a queen never inquires a tyrant.My people we have it all even the abolitionist museum on duffield st.and we don’t get blog only gog and magog.one love to the ancestors who rest the ground they dig for nuff of them are only some pig.they hate we because we out shine them and in all we do we are watching you.that museum is of proof that the U.S. IS GUITY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.PEACE TO ALL AND KEEP UP THE FIGHT AND IF YOU DON’T DO IT FOR YOUR SELF DO IT FOR THE ONES WHO CAME BEFORE US