These Brooklyn coffee maps, which are simply zoomed in versions of NYC coffee maps came to our attention via the Google Maps Mania blog. The top one–which shows independent coffee places–comes from cupofnyc’s New York City coffee map. The bottom one shows the location of Starbucks (the paucity of which in certain parts of Brooklyn with either lead one to rejoice or to wonder when more will come, depending on one’s orientation on this hot button issue). It comes from the findbyclick coffee map (no way to link to the NYC map directly. You have to type in New York in the search bar). We’re pretty sure the “indie” coffee map is missing some spots, but the Starbucks map looks fairly complete. You can also search the “indie” map by neighborhood.

3 responses so far ↓
1 Qfwfq // Jan 31, 2007 at 10:06 am
Ack! Nothing but Starbucks (not to mention Dunkin Donuts and CT Muffin) for Brooklyn Heights? Can someone please end this reign of retail coffee?
2 Jenya // Feb 1, 2007 at 9:22 pm
Cupofnyc is such a useful site. Thanks for featuring this. I can now avoid Starbucks!
3 Mr. Your On Fire Mr. // Feb 1, 2007 at 10:15 pm
How can I not link this! Oh, wait, I already did…
I really love how there’s a Starbucks by Rulers Bar Hassock…
I love how I just found out what Rulers Bar Hassock is…