What you’re looking at above is a map of the Atlantic Yards site, color-coded to show who owns what. While the entire thing makes a pretty, multi-colored map and diagram of the project, what’s of particular interest here are the areas in red. Those, according to Develop Don’t Destroy, are properties that are still privately owned. In total, more than five acres of the proposed site are still privately owned or controlled. “Unless the developer can gain the deeds and leases to these properties, the arena cannot be built,” the group writes. “In addition, much of the rest of the project, including the de-mapping (removal) of City streets required to construct superblocks, cannot be built as proposed.” There is a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of using eminent domain to seize property for the project. There are 12 plaintiffs in the suit (representing 2 businesses and 26 residents) and the parties are in court next week.