Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Upcoming Reminder: 360 Smith Hearing on Thursday

August 26th, 2008 · No Comments

It’s worth reminding everyone that there’s a meeting coming up about the controversial 360 Smith Street project on Thursday, August 28, given the unfortunate late August timing of the Community Board 6 Land Use Committee hearing. The meeting is being held to consider developer Billy Stein’s application to the obscure, yet powerful, Board of Standards and Appeals for an exemption from a new height restriction created by the recent “narrow streets” Zoning Text Amendment. (It takes place the same night that Democrat Barack Obama will be making his historic acceptance speech in Denver.) In any case, the CORD group, which coalesced around the 360 Smith issue, writes:

The developer of 360 Smith Street (aka 131 2nd Place) has filed an application with the Board of Standards and Appeals for permission to continue to build to the fully proposed 70 ‘ height and bulk. Many Carroll Gardens residents vigorously pursued our newly passed zoning text amendment to specifically prohibit this very type of oversized development. NOW IS THE TIME TO TELL OUR COMMUNITY BOARD, “NO”!

The meeting will take on Thursday, 8/28, at 6PM at PS 32, which is located at 317 Hoyt Street (between Union & President Streets).

This is a letter that residents that can’t attend can send if they oppose the developers request to build contrary to the new zoning:

August 28, 2008

Community Board 6
Attention: Mr. Richard Bashner, Chair
250 Baltic Street
Brooklyn, New York

RE: 360 Smith Street (aka 131 2 Place)
BSA CAL # 202-08-BZY

Dear Mr. Bashner, Esteemed Community Board Members,

I am a resident of Carroll Gardens. I was shocked when I first learned of the size of the proposed project to be built at the above mentioned site. I never realized that a building of this mass could be placed on our small, residential streets. I was astonished that this type of development would even be permitted!

I wholeheartedly supported the Carroll Gardens Zoning Text Amendment because I believed in the importance and necessity of reining in this type of out-of-scale development.

I understand that Mr. Stein, the owner and developer of the site has requested additional time to complete his now stopped, now non-compliant project. This out-of-character building represents the very reason I supported the text amendment in the first place. I am not anti-development. I do feel, however, that this project, which according to the Department of Buildings’ determination, has only completed “approximately twenty per cent (20%) of its foundation”, certainly could and should be scaled back to comply with the new, more appropriate and hard-won zoning.

I, along with hundreds of others, actively participated in getting the fifteen blocks affected by the amendment properly categorized as “narrow” for zoning purposes. It is an affront to me and the others who worked so diligently, to permit this project, which is barely begun, to be allowed to attain its proposed height and bulk.

I respectfully ask that you vote against this application. Thank you.


Tags: Carroll Gardens · Smith Street