Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

“Upsetting Incident” Continued: More Park Slope Public Sex

August 12th, 2008 · 10 Comments

The Great Park Slope Public Sex Debate continues. First, there was the report of the “Upsetting Incident” at the 15th Street F Station being the recipient of a sex act performed by someone who apparently resides at the Women’s Shelter at the Park Slope Armory. Then, there was a follow-up discussion suggesting that public sex is related to the income level of the people performing the public sex act, and that low-income people are basically the ones doing it outside. There have been many follow ups indicating that a great many people in Park Slope are out there doing it and they are of many income levels and sexual proclivities. Here is some of the newsworthy latest from Park Slope Parents emails, starting with what must a frequent one–sex in the park:

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the park on the hill by the baseball fields and saw a couple having sex just meters away from where I had sat down to have a picnic with my 2.5yr old daughter. I packed up and walked away, but also called 911 right away. A policeman was there within a minute and dealt with the matter. So I would suggest that at the moment of any such upsetting incidents, calling 911 is a good option too in terms of taking care of the matter as it occurs.

And there’s also this gross tale:

About a year ago, I was on mid-way on the platform at the Seventh Avenue station, around 3 o’clock on a weekday, when I happened to look up the staircase. There was a man standing at the top of the stairs playing with himself and looking directly at me. I was in shock. I felt totally violated. I moved further down the platform until I was standing near a group of people. It was was in the middle of the afternoon. The kids from John Jay were at the other end of the platform, but had they moved to where I was, they could have seen it. And what about younger kids – school lets out about this time. I would be all in favor of some sort of action.

How long before some local official demands the police step up patrols to dissuade public sex acts?

Tags: Park Slope

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 tsw // Aug 12, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    All public sex in PS should be on 3rd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues, home to very enlightened and liberal sex education techniques.
    Besides, it’s a beautiful, wide street.
    Hey, you chose to live in the big city! Back where I come from, it’s only the priests that get into trouble, the pious hypocrites, them.

  • 2 tsw // Aug 12, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    All public sex in PS should be on 3rd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues, home to very enlightened and liberal sex education techniques.
    Besides, it’s a beautiful, wide street.
    Hey, you chose to live in the big city! Back where I come from, it’s only the priests that get into trouble, the pious hypocrites, them.
    Meters? European? Canadian?

  • 3 Sunset Parker // Aug 12, 2008 at 9:46 pm

    So you couldn’t move your picnic? Prospect Park is 3 or 4 square miles wide and they were there first.

    There’s no way a 2.5 year old would have any idea what those people were doing.

    That your response was to call 911 instead of just moving to a new spot is disgusting.

    And GL – Shame on you. Comparing 2 consenting adults having sex in the park with a flasher is so absurd I don’t know where to begin…

  • 4 mod squad // Aug 12, 2008 at 10:14 pm

    You Park Sloppers. It’s always about bodily functions with you people, excrement, piss or ….. well you know what. (I don’t want anybody to faint).

  • 5 Esolis // Aug 12, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    lol – I’ve had sex in the park several times. If you don’t like it move away. I suppose where you come from: people don’t have sex in the corn fields or in a hay stack. Get a life.

  • 6 edl // Aug 13, 2008 at 7:18 am

    a few months ago i glimpsed some fucktard scum piece of shit jerking off in the 14th st station in chelsea in full view of the station booth. a few days earlier some equally scummy fucktard was jerking off ON THE STREET IN BROAD DAYLIGHT between parked cars. what surprised me about the latter incident was that there was enough room in manhattan between parked cars to engage in such vile behavior but i digress …

  • 7 patient boy // Aug 13, 2008 at 9:45 am

    The idea of someone tying up 911 resources (and advocating that use by others) to report public sex is surprising and verges on irresponsible. If you want to call the cops about public sex, great, call the precinct directly. I hardly think it rises to the level of emergency urgency that would require 911’s valuable attention.

  • 8 Ted // Aug 13, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Oh, please. If this was a toddler peeing on a tree, the commenters would be rising up in righteous knee-jerk indignation about being oppressed by breeders and their spawn. If a three-year-old needs to take his wee-wee inside, then so do adult f*ckbuddies.

    But if the consensus is that public sex acts are fair game as long as they involve only consenting people, I’ll be on the Lawn near the Picnic House, spanking it. If you don’t like it, move your picnic to Ohio, prudes.

  • 9 11222 // Aug 13, 2008 at 1:20 pm

    I was also going to get upset about the 911 call, because we can’t get the cops to come within 40 minutes for things like fights or smaller things like fireworks being set off in a residential area – but I don’t believe for one second that a police officer came within 1 minute of a 911 call to deal with public sex. No way.

  • 10 Dude // Dec 4, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    oh you folks are funny. So condescending. Insulting a mom — good for you! Do you think that being free and open with your sexuality makes you urban and hip and cool? What the fuck is wrong with you? have sex in your homes! it’s a violation of civil code. if you don’t like it, move back to Sweden. they rape girls in public in other countries, destitute prostitutes have sex in public – but you probably think that’s cool. Sexual exposure is only good when it’s on your terms. Hypocrites.