Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Park Slope Library Suckage/Strollergate Acknowledged

May 1st, 2008 · 1 Comment

There is further discussion of the Park Slope Branch Library suckage and strollergate issue from the person who posted the most recent allegations on the Park Slope Parents list. (Plus the follow-up strollergate thing.) It turns out that the Library acknowledges there may be some, uh, customer service issues:

…Today I called the community contact person, Lee Levy, and explained the situation. She was very open, receptive and apologetic. She said that she was aware of some issues with staff, and that many are new and therefore seemingly unaware of the concept of customer service.

She promised to address these issues and asked if anyone has trouble again to please contact either her or Ms. Brown, who I believe is in charge of clerical staff. To clarify on the use of the ramp in back, she also said that those with strollers are absolutely allowed to use it for easier access, since they do not have wheelchair access at this time. If anyone has any problems with accessing the ramp, or has problems with staff in that area, they should not hesitate to contact her or Ms. Brown. I was very impressed by Ms. Levy’s response and I encourage anyone who would like to follow up Ms. Levy for any future problems, or also any positive feedback when appropriate so they know their efforts are being appreciated.

More complaints to come or will the staff now try to avoid antagonizing more Park Slope moms?

Tags: Park Slope · Uncategorized

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Lyoung // May 1, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    Only Moms use strollers? No fathers take care of their progeny?