The last fews times we checked in on Urban Green in Williamsburg, we were motivated to call it Urban Death because of its poorly secured gate allowing unfettered public access to its deep hole and construction equipment. The first big hole was partly filled after a Stop Work Order because Urban Green was destabilizing a neighboring building, but the fence on N. 6 Street was finally brought up to standard and one on N. 5 Street was moved back from an edge that threatened to swallow up the sidewalk. All of that is background to reintroduce the huge construction site, which now features a very deep hole and some sort of pump or mechanical device that is running 24/7 and must clearly be loved by neighbors. There have also been two recent complaints lodged against the site–one for after hours work and one for moving construction equipment in and out at night. The Department of Buildings checked out the latter of the two complaints a week after it was made and found “no construction activity at the time of inspection.” Duh. For now, we’re going to call it Urban Noise.