Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brooklyn Runner Hits First Milestone

September 27th, 2006 · No Comments


We’ve been terrible about linking to Gary Jarvis, AKA Runs Brooklyn, who is one of our favorite Brooklyn bloggers. Gary, you might remember, set the ambitious goal of running every street in our borough and has been blogging about it since Spring while taking excellent photos of nabe highlights during his runs.

While we were comatose, Gary hit the one-quarter mark last week and published his “Quarterly Report.” Congratulations!

Gary writes:

Over the last few months I’ve really seen a lot of Brooklyn. I’ve been through most neighborhoods at least once (though I haven’t yet run in some of the micro-neighborhoods near downtown like DUMBO or Vinegar Hill, nor have I been to the gated community of Seagate, which is on the western tip of Coney Island), and there are several — Gravesend, Bath Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Bensonhurst, Marine Park — which I’m within a couple of runs of finishing up. I have, thus far, concentrated on the southern third or so of the borough, which explains why I’ve seen so much of Gravesend and so little of, say, Clinton Hill. As I’ve noted here before, this is a pretty deliberate move which means a lot of long subway rides now, but which I’m hoping will begin to pay dividends in the winter, when I can start piling on the miles a lot closer to home.

So far, Gary has done 54 runs for a total of 476.91 miles or 436.57 “unique miles” as he counts them.

His runs are outlined above in orange on the map, which is available in larger size on his blog.

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